Drink OR Drive – YOU CHOOSE!

The holiday season is right around the corner. As Americans prepare for festivities with family and friends, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants to remind all drivers that it’s dangerous to drive after drinking. You have to choose your role before drinking begins: will you drink or will you drive? Remember, even if you […]

Teachable Moments

Having trouble talking to your teen about the risks of drugs and alcohol? Here are five everyday examples of easy ways to bring up the topic. Movie Star:Your daughter reads every magazine she’s in, owns all her movies, and has her posters taped to her wall. So what happens when her magical movie star goes […]

Get Ready for #GivingTuesday

The holiday season is here! It’s an exciting and busy time for families around our community. Between your shopping, cooking and celebrating, I ask that you mark #GivingTuesday (December 1) on your calendars. Unlike Black Friday or Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday isn’t about buying presents. It’s about giving back by supporting the Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK) through a […]

Good Samaritan Law

New York State adopted a “911 Good Samaritan” law to fight overdose.  The law bars arrests and prosecution for personal possession of drugs, paraphernalia or underage drinking when someone calls for help to save the life of an overdose victim. New York is among the many states where accidental overdose deaths outnumber automobile-related fatalities.  Accidental overdose is […]


October 23, 2015 – The Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK) has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Occurring this year on December 1, #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and […]

Join the Video Project Team!

The Video Project Team can help you develop filmmaking skills while producing positive messages to benefit our community. Learn the proper use and handling of video equipment Acquire techniques for documentary and narrative filmmaking Perform editing and post production processes Develop short videos to raise awareness and help prevent destructive decisions Workshops will be taught by […]

Sign Up for Teen Night at Club Fit on November 6th!

The Alliance for Safe Kids will be hosting our fall Teen Night for 6th-8th graders on Friday, November 6 from 7-9pm at Club Fit, Jefferson Valley. Registration is available online for $15 per ticket. Tickets will be available at the door for $20 each. In order for ASK to run a successful teen night, adult […]

Celebrate Red Ribbon Week!

The Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK) invites the community to take a visible stand against drugs by celebrating Red Ribbon Week from October 23-31. Red Ribbon Week raises awareness of drug use and the problems related to drugs facing our community, and encourages parents, educators, business owners, and other community organizations to promote drug-free lifestyles. […]

15 Yorktown Businesses Pass Underage Compliance Check

by James O’Rourke, Yorktown Daily Voice All 15 stores targeted by a recent police investigation into the sale of alcohol to minors were found to be in compliance with the law, police said. Town police sent an uncover agent into each store between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Wednesday to see whether the clerks were […]

“5 to Drive” Campaign Helps Parents Protect Teen Drivers

Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK) is joining with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to promote the “5 to Drive” campaign during National Teen Driver Safety Week. The campaign aims to help parents talk to their teen drivers about the rules of the road. “Even though your teens might be gaining some independence and […]