On October 6, 2015, the Yorktown Police Department (YPD) disposed of 130 pounds of prescription and over-the-counter drugs collected through the Prescription Drug Disposal Unit. Since ASK partnered with the YPD on this initiative, we have collected and disposed of 2,108lbs of drugs – that is averaging out to be 77lbs of drugs per month! The partnership […]
Love is Not Abuse
A common characteristic of unhealthy and abusive relationships is the control that the abusive partner seeks to maintain in the relationship. This includes telling someone what to wear, where they can go, who they can hang out with, calling them names, humiliating them in front of others. Over time, the isolation from one’s social network […]
Youth Mental Health First Aid Course
Sometimes, first aid isn’t a bandage, or CPR, or the Heimlich, or calling 911. Sometimes, first aid is YOU! A young person you know could be experiencing a mental health challenge or crisis. You can help! You are more likely to encounter someone — friend, family member, student, neighbor or member of the community […]
Your Safety is at Stake!
The Federal Trade Commission suggests these tips for digital safety: Think about how different sites work before deciding to join a site. Some sites will allow only a defined community of users to access posted content; others allow anyone and everyone to view postings. Think about keeping some control over the information you post. Consider […]
Be More than a Bystander
Kids see bullying every day. They want to help, but don’t know how. Teach them how to be more than a bystander. Be Their Friend. Children can help someone who’s been bullied by simply being nice to them at another time. Being friendly can go a long way toward letting them know that they’re not […]
On the Fence About Volunteering?
Thinking about volunteering for the Alliance for Safe Kids but wondering what sets us apart from other organizations? Patrick T. shares a few thoughts about his experience… I started to volunteer for ASK while I was in the 8th grade. I had attended some of their events, had a good time and found out that […]
ASK is Celebrating Family Day! Be Involved. Stay Involved.
The Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK) is joining forces with CASAColumbia to celebrate Family Day – Be Involved. Stay Involved® on September 28, 2015. CASAColumbia Family Day is a national initiative to promote simple acts of parental engagement as key ways to help prevent risky substance use in children and teens. Research shows that children […]
Talking Points for Someone at Risk of Suicide
The following suggestions for talking with someone at risk of suicide are adapted from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and various prevention programs: Speak openly and honestly about your concern. Asking someone directly if they are considering suicide often provides relief. Be willing to listen with compassion and without judgment. Do not express shock or horror. It […]
Alcohol Myths vs. Facts
Myth: Alcohol isn’t as harmful as other drugs. Fact: Alcohol increases your risk for many deadly diseases, such as cancer. Drinking too much alcohol too quickly can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can kill you. Myth: Drinking is a good way to loosen up at parties. Fact: Drinking is a dumb way to loosen up. […]
One Text or Call Could Wreck It All
Unfortunately, distracted driving is not a passing fad. It has become a trend with deadly, real consequences. For anyone who thinks they can talk on their phone, text, apply make-up, or do any other distracting activity while driving, it’s time for a crash course in reality from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA): In […]