During this season of giving, think about the best and most thoughtful gift you may give to yourself and those you care about. Being well informed and knowing where to find potentially lifesaving information and resources should be at the top of that list.
ASK is proud to introduce the virtual Save A Life Wellness Fair which will connect you to resources that support Substance Misuse Prevention, Treatment and Recovery; Mental Health and Opportunities for Thoughtful Service.
Click here to view the virtual Save A Life Wellness Fair and download the application on your phone. You never know when you, a friend, neighbor or loved one may need this vital information and by having it readily available it truly may be the most important gift you have ever given yourself or shared.
Life is hard, let’s be prepared to take good care of ourselves and one another.
The “Happiest” Time of the Year: Tips for Managing Holiday Stress
Whether you are filled with holiday cheer or would prefer to skip the whole season, we can all agree that there are levels of stress that accompany the holidays. Here are some ways you can make them a little merrier and brighter. Read more.
Facts About Fentanyl

Volunteer Opportunities
There are a variety of volunteer opportunities at awesome nonprofits throughout Westchester and Putnam Counties. To view these opportunities, please check out Volunteer New York! The John C. Hart Memorial Library in Shrub Oak can always use some volunteers! To find out about their Teen Volunteer Program, click here. | ![]() |
Yorktown Leos Club Leadership, Experience, Opportunity! The Yorktown Leos are a community service club for people ages 12-25 willing to help others in the community. They host and participate in a variety of fun and collaborative events. The Yorktown Leos Club has been helping the Yorktown community for over 25 years and to learn how to get involved, click here. |
Drug Crisis in Our Backyard

Weekly Spotlight Family Support Groups
From our partners at Drug Crisis in Our Backyard, weekly Spotlight Family Support Groups, held virtually every Tuesday and Wednesday via Zoom. Spotlight on Recovery is a Family Educational and Support Group for families struggling with a loved one misusing substances. For more information, click here.
Weekly Yoga for Resilience
Do you have a loved one struggling with addiction? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Carve out time for yourself so you may respond to your loved one with a clear mind and an open heart. Join us on Zoom and we will come together in a safe space to practice somatic mindfulness, grounding and centering, containment and breath regulation. For more information, click here.
December 12 – In Person Naloxone Training
Naloxone is a prescription medicine that reverses an overdose by blocking heroin or other opioids in the nervous system for 30-90 minutes. Naloxone is administered by injection or intranasal. Training will be held at Yonkers PAL. For more information, click here.
December 19 – Virtual Naloxone Training
Naloxone is a prescription medicine that reverses an overdose by blocking heroin or other opioids in the nervous system for 30-90 minutes. Naloxone is administered by injection or intranasal. Following training, participants receive a kit by mail. Presented by our partners at Drug Crisis in Our Backyard. Register by email: ssal@drugcrisisinourbackyard.com
Student Assistance Corner
“Helping Students Enhance Their Well Being by Making Healthy Decisions and Remaining Substance Free”
A partnership between a parent/guardian and Student Assistance Counselor best supports the nurturing of the social and emotional wellbeing of students. We encourage you to contact the SAC at your child’s school for a confidential consultation. Click here to learn more.
Lakeland High School Sasha Meyer Porco, LMSW, CASAC smeyerporco@lakelandschools.org
Yorktown High School Kiara Loughran, MS sacounselor@yorktown.org
Lakeland Copper Beech Middle SchoolMs. Finan, MS lfinan@lakelandschools.org
Check out what we have been up to in the schools!
Upcoming Events
December 3 – GivingTuesday Please consider making a gift to provide a safety net that supports a healthy lifestyle for our youth and families. Additionally, as the fiscal sponsor for Drug Crisis in Our Backyard, ASK supports bringing awareness of the rampant abuse of prescription and illegal drugs in our community and programs that assist individuals and their families who are struggling with the effects of substance use in a friend or loved one.
Your donation will not only support the ongoing connections between the community and potentially lifesaving resources, but will allow for important programs from Drug Crisis in Our Backyard to continue. Click here to learn more about the programs.
December 4 – Holiday Stress & Self-Care The “most wonderful time of the year” doesn’t always feel that wonderful. Demands on our time and energy often leave us feeling tired, disappointed, and depressed. Learn effective strategies to manage holiday stress, prioritize self-care, and get the support you need. Register here.
December 11 – Prevention Science in Action: Supporting Families & Schools in Raising Healthy Kids From our partners at Operation Parent, learn age-appropriate ways to help students build confidence, resist peer pressure, and avoid high-risk behaviors. Register here.
December 16 – Emotional Regulation in Kids: Managing Emotional Storms Despite our best efforts to prepare children to manage big storms of emotions, they will struggle sometimes. Managing emotional storms takes emotional & physical maturity, and practice. Register here.
December 19 – Responding in a Mental Health Emergency We know what to do when someone breaks their arm: brace it and go to the hospital. But what should you do when someone is experiencing a mental health emergency? Learn what causes crisis situations and the warning signs, how to respond, and what to do once the crisis has ended. Register here.
NAMI Westchester The families and members of NAMI Westchester are here to help! They offer understanding to anyone concerned about mental illnesses and the treatment of mental illness. To view their calendar, click here.
Westchester Breathes is an ongoing program offered by the Westchester Library System offering an experience of gentle movement, breathing and relaxation exercises that reduce stress and anxiety and increase a sense of calm and well-being. These exercises are simple and evidence-based – which is to say …they work! They are free and on Zoom. Register here.