The Alliance for Safe Kids sponsors enforcement activities conducted by the Yorktown Police Department (YPD) in accordance to environmental strategies aimed at changing and influencing community conditions, standards, norms, and/or policies regarding underage drinking.
Training for Intervention Procedures (TIPS)
TIPS aims to achieve 100% alcohol sale compliance through education and enforcement in our community by training servers, sellers and consumers of alcohol how to prevent intoxication, drunk driving and underage drinking. The session includes specific techniques to identify and refuse sales to minors as well as to recognize/refuse sales to inebriated customers.
Compliance Checks
Alcohol compliance checks deter both on- and off-premise outlets from selling to underage youth. Officers supervise undercover youth who attempt to purchase alcohol. The checks are conducted randomly throughout the year with particular emphasis during holidays and the summer. All violations incur applicable penalties and are reported to the State Liquor Authority.
Driving Checkpoints
These checkpoints are carried out by the YPD at major roadways within their jurisdiction. Each vehicle is stopped and the driver is assessed for the possibility of impaired driving. Checkpoints are usually set up on the weekends, either late at night or early in the morning, when the proportion of impaired drivers tends to be the highest.
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